The Maze of Design Patterns and SOLID Principles

Event Name: The Maze of Design Patterns and SOLID Principles

Schedule: Fri, March 05, 4:00 PM (CET)

Speaker: Shubham Dubey (Course Instructor at University of Debrecen)

Event Link:


There are several mistakes usually developers make during product development. So keeping your demand of how to optimize time and resources so that there should be the least scope of errors and bugs we brought a demanding topic for you. This talk will cover the best practices that should be involved in web development and if you are adopting them your code will project you more experienced than an experienced developer.

We will cover the following topics in the event:

  • SOLID Principles
  • Structural, Creational, and Behavioral Design Patterns.
  • What must be done and what should not when developing a product?
  • Novel Approaches of Web development.
  • The bests of MVC/MVP/MVM models



  • GDG Budapest
  • WTM Budapest
  • Faculty of Informatics, Unideb
  • Hack Hunt



    Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 01. 26. 17:57