Event series about Clean Architecture presented by Pal Peter

#1 Silver Architecture (SOLID but malleable)
26 May 2021 What soware architecture can effect?

How the soware architecture can evolve with the system? What IS a soware architecture at all, and why does it maer? ...and other over mysfied quesons. A brief introducon of the clean soware architectural design principles through the lens of Java. We will discuss not just the "what"s, but the "why"s too.
Event link

#2 I have a bad feeling about... my architecture
9 June 2021

How do I know my architecture is helping the development? Is it really worth that much? How can I separate my components without adding "too much" complexity.
Event link

#3 Screaming architecture instead of screaming developers
23 June 2021

How can I use the architecture to guide future development? What the architecture can tell me about the system? How do I choose between layered, hexagonal and other architectural paerns? I just needed some basic CRUD at the beginning... but now...
Event link

Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 01. 26. 17:52