Developers Students clubs

Dear students, 


Google is looking for students to be leaders on campus for the Developer Student Clubs program. 


Developer Student Clubs are university based community groups for students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a DSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community.


To open a DSC chapter at your university, apply to be a lead here.


Why should you join the program?

  • Grow developer knowledge 
  • Gain leadership experience 
  • Impact other students by training them
  • Build solutions for local problems in the community 
  • Be a part of a global network 
  • Gain access to Google technology and platforms 
  • Get invitations to selected Google events and conferences 
  • Attend a DSC Leads Summit and meet other leads and Googlers 

To learn more visit

Legutóbbi frissítés: 2023. 01. 26. 17:52