With the help of the following links, you can access the present and future projects that are done at the Faculty of Informatics.
Our current projects
- SCOPIA: Development of software supported clinical devices based on endoscope technology (2015.10.01-2018.09.30)
Our previous projects
- FIRST - Future Internet Research Services and Technology (2012.10.01-2014.12.31)
- Sokprocesszoros rendszerek a mérnöki gyakorlatban (2012.01.01-2013.12.31.)
- C-GEP: C-Board Gigabit Ethernet Platform (...)
- TAaAS Projekt (...)
- Gyires Béla Informatikai Tananyag Tárház (2012.04.01-2014.03.31.)
- Kelet-Magyarországi Informatikai Tananyag Tárház (2010.01.01-2011.06.30.)
- Smart Bicycle
Projects that are carried out in different departments can be accessed on the web pages of the departments.