For fresh students


Coordinating Centre for International Education (CCIE) will activate your semester. They activate only those students, who finished the SAS registration and start their studies in this semester (First semester). Every student who have been activated receive an automatic system message. Subject: ’’Tanulmányi státusz változás képzésen”  

Registration process

Subjects -> Register for subject-> Choose current term -> Choose subject type –(“Subject from curriculum”)> List subjects -> Click the “Subject code” (ordered the list) > Choose a subject (the all subjects where the recommended term is 1) > „+” button -> Subject details > Choose courses

If the subject have theoretical and practice/lab courses, please choose from both parts. 

Your current timetable is available in the Neptun after you registered the subjects.

Neptun ->Studies -> Class schedule -> set the 2024 September 9

You can find the rooms in class schedule info.

Generally the lessons are in the Kassai Campus.

Classroom locations

Address: Debrecen Kassai Street 26.


  • IK-F01:   „IK” means Informatics building; F means the grand floor;
  • IK-102:     „102” means  first floor and 102 no. room
  • IK-TEOKJ II. em 108:„TEOKJ” means TEOKJ building front of the Campus Hotel entrance; II means the second floor and 108 no. Room
  • JA-TEOKJ I. em 108:„TEOKJ” means TEOKJ building; I means the first floor and 108 no. Room
  • IK külső helyszín: Check the Comm.(comment) of the course

Check your classschedule in Neptun regularly as data’s can change at the first two weeks.  

Study Program Flowcharts of your program is available at our webpage after log in: Students/”Choose your program”/Graph 

SUBJECT AND COURSE REGISTRATION AND DEREGISTRATION PERIOD of the 2024/2025/1 semester at the Faculty of Informatics:

2nd of September 2024 - 15th of September 2024   free

Between 16 September and 22 September 2024, the student is still able to modify the subject registration - in exceptionally justified case - with the related request form in the NEPTUN system. 

The fee for the late course registration: 1500 HUF / course 

The fee for the late course deregistration: 3000 HUF / course 

After 22 September, 2024 the subject/course registration/deregistration is not allowed! 

Credit Transfer from other institution

You can transfer credits from previous studies. Process: 

- Submit the Credit Transfer Request form in the Neptun.

- Attach your Transcript and only those Course descriptions of subject what you want to transfer to your program. 

Prerequisite subjects 

Several subjects have so called „Prerequisite subjects”. It means you can register for this subject after you received any grade better than „1” (Fail) 

Signatures are not enough for registration. Please don’t make requests for registration for subjects without prerequisite subjects as all of it will be rejected without any consideration. 

Important! You need to take the course Work and Fire Safety! Highly recommended to register at the 1st semester.   

More information after log in here 

The courses of „Work and Fire Safety” and „Physical Education” are worth 1 - 1 credit, which must be completed in excess of the number of credits required for the diploma as specified in the training and outcome requirements of the degree.

-  2024/2025/1 semester starts 9th of September 2022.    

Academic calendar with all the important deadlines available at our webpage after log in: 

Student/Academic calendar for 2024/2025 (detailed)

Absence: According to the Rules and Regulations a student can miss only 3 practice/lab class per subject during a semester. It also stands if the student starts the semester later, in other words, students have to start their studies in the 4th week latest. In case of more absence teachers can refuse to give the signature, which means the student can not take the exam in the exam period  

With not education related matters:

- Coordinating Center for International Eductaion

- Student administration in the following fields:

  • tuition fee inquiries
  • scholarship  inquiries
  • issuing Transcript of Records
  • student card issues
  • health insuarance inquiries

Mental Health Center


University of Debrecen University and National Library

for further information please use this email address: 

Last update: 2024. 07. 26. 10:08