International links

Informatics Europe

  • The Faculty of Informatics has been a member of Informatics Europe, the organization which joins the faculties, departments and research institutes all over Europe since 2014.

Innovative ICT Solutions for the Societal Challenges

  • The international consortium of innovation and info-communication arranges its two-week meetings every year. The participating students work in groups on particular topics for two months preceding the meetings where they present their findings and results. In the period of 2015 - 2017 the venue of the meeting will be Valencia following Zagreb.

International Consortium on Information and Communication Technologies and Related Interdisciplinary Applications

  • The Faculty of Informatics is one of the founder members of ICTNET, which joins 41 European institutions of higher education so that they can cooperate closely. At present the preparation of students’ professional practice in other European countries is in progress.


  • According to an agreement with the Finnish University of Applied Sciences, students who have gained 180 credit points can spend two semesters in Jyvaskyla, Finland, and can get a Finnish BSc degree.


  • The European Union established the Erasmus Programme about 30 years ago. As a result, more than 3 million EU students have been allowed to do some parts of their studies abroad. Thanks to the contact system of the Faculty of Informatics, our students can participate in this programme in 17 countries.
Last update: 2023. 01. 26. 17:51