Information for Graduating Students

Graduation Ceremony: 10 am 31st January 2025

Main building, Central Hall (Egyetem Square 1.)

Information about the Graduation Ceremony


State Exam


Information about State Exam (later)

Information about State Exam attendance (later)

Guide to the presentation uploading (later)


State Exam Topics: and then "Students/ DEGREE MAJORS" and choose your major


Administrative issues

  • Administrative issues concerning the final exam are arranged at the e-mail: Deadlines can be found here
  • You can register to the final exam only through the Neptun System (Administration/Final Exam/"+"/Register). For those who are not able to take the final exam this semester the sign-off is free, please send an e-mail to
  • Registration for exams starts (graduating students): 5 May 2025. You can register this semester exams in this term as a graduate student, if you have already registered for the State exam.
  • State exam for graduating students: 10 -17 June 2025
  • If the "Work and fire safety" course is missing please make up for it.


Final Pre-degree Certificate
According to the Rules and Regulations of the University the relevant faculty shall issue the pre-degree certificate to students who have fulfilled the curricular academic, examination requirements and complete an internship (for those students who addmitted after fall 2011) – except completing the degree thesis –, completed the required practical courses, and have earned the required number of credits. The pre-degree certificate certifies without assessment or evaluation that the students have fully satisfied the curricular academic and examination requirements. Please, note that the student status will be terminated on the basis of issuing the pre-degree certificate and not by completing the final exam.



The deadline of uploading the completed thesis: 

Submission deadline for students who make State Exam in June 2025: 16 April 2025 

After the deadline the Thesis still can be submitted within two weeks. According to the regulations of the university, a late submission fee must be paid if you miss the submission deadline. The fee is HUF 800 per day in the first week, and HUF 1600 per day in the second week after the submission deadline. The full amount will be counted by the Educational Office and charge after the thesis submission is completed.

After 30th April 2025 you cannot submit your Thesis for the Final Exam of this semester!

Completed thesis can be uploaded/submitted until the given deadline only in that semester, when the student would like to take the State exam and has registered to it.


Thesis submission method: 

No need for submission of printed version of the thesis. 17. § Rules and Regulations of UD Faculty of Informatics:

„Final year students must upload their thesis in electronic format into the Electronic Archive of the National and University Library of the University of Debrecen (DEA). They need to fill a declaration of placement and receive a document certifying the upload.”


Thesis submission steps:

The electronic thesis is considered as “Submitted” if the following conditions are fulfilled exactly in this sequence:

1. Thesis title:  

Check if the title on your thesis is exactly the same as on the one you upload into the DEA. If it is not the same, correct it.  Check if the title on your thesis is exactly the same as the one registered in the Neptun System. If there are any differences, please, fill the “IK Title modification form for writing a Thesis or Diploma Work_2024/25/1” request in Neptun.

(This request is only and solely for title change; the topic change cannot be requested. If the thesis topic also changed, please turn to the Education Office)

2. Supervisor’s acceptance: 

The completed thesis must be sent to the supervisor in e-mail. (The supervisor prepares the assessment of the thesis based on this.) The e-mail must contain the name of the student and the exact (same as above) title of the thesis.

If the supervisor send a confirmation e-mail to you and to the Education Office (, that the thesis is accepted and ready to upload (Please don’t send the completed thesis to the Education Office), do as follows:

3. Thesis upload to the DEA (Library)

Upload the electronic thesis accepted by the supervisor (and equivalent with the thesis sent to the supervisor) by 16th April 23:59:59 or with late submission fee no later than 30th April 23:59:59 into the DEA System. The uploading file name MUST BE! thesis.pdf . In the description also write in "thesis"! (If the file name is differ the thesis won't be accepted by the Library)

The uploaded thesis will only be available for others in the DEA after a successful state exam. (UD Rules and Regulation 27. § (8).

4. Thesis statement 

Fill the online Neptun request “IK Thesis submission / Statement_2024/25/2”. In this request you declare that there isn’t any library debt. This request is also the Thesis Statement. (If the thesis is a teamwork the Thesis Statement of the companions must be attached to the request too).

5. Acceptance of DEA upload

If the DEA upload and the other steps are correct, Thesis Statement will be accepted, of which you will get a system message („Accepted” status).

6. Electronic upload

After the acceptance of the Thesis Statement you have to upload your Thesis (same as uploaded to the DEA) also in the form below so that it is available to the members of the state exam board. (From 2023, the uploaded thesis will only be available in the DEA after a successful state exam)

7. Approval of the successful thesis submission/upload

If all the above are in order the thesis submission date will be recorded in Neptun.


Student Scientific Society (TDK) paper

According to the Rules and Regulations of Studies of the Faculty of Informatics: „At the request of the student, the Faculty of Informatics will consider the TDK thesis that has reached the national competition as a thesis with distinction, if the jury of the local (Computer Science) TDK supports it, and the missing thesis credits will be considered as completed with distinction by the Faculty of Informatics, and the thesis defence will be considered as completed with distinction at the final examination. This is administered by the Vice dean for academic affairs.”

The student can require the TDK (Student Scientific Society) paper to be accepted as thesis in the General request form in Neptun. (TDK Certificate must also be attached). TDK report accepted as thesis also need to be uploaded to the DEA System. Online Neptun request “IK Thesis submission / Statement_2024/25/2” must be filled in (Thesis Statement of the companions must also be attached to the request).

In summary:

1. General request submission (requesting the TDK to be accepted as Thesis)

2. upload TDK report to the DEA

3. “IK Thesis submission / Statement_2024/25/2” submission

Grade calculation of the Final Exam and Diploma

Please note, if you have any debts towards the University (like tuition fee debts, late registration debts, etc.) you will not get the pre-degree certificate. Students need to ask a certification from the Electronic Archive of the Library of Social Sciences of the debts which has to be to submitted the Educational Office, Room No. IF20 presented on the Final Exam.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE “IK Thesis submission / Statement_2024/25/2” IS NOT PART OF THE THESIS! THE “IK Thesis submission / Statement_2024/25/2” REQUEST MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLY IN THE NEPTUN!

Last update: 2025. 01. 30. 08:48