OpenInfra Day Hungary organizes a full-day conference based on open infrastructure, IaaC and cloud solutions.
OpenInfra Day Hungary organizes a full-day conference based on open infrastructure, IaaC and cloud solutions.
The one-day official NVIDIA workshop titled "Generative AI with Diffusion Models" will be held online on two different occasions: 31 May and 08 June 2024.
For the second time, Faculty of Informatics and its Erasmus partner University of Limassol in Cyprus are organising a joint English language course on artificial intelligence - this time on Promt Engineering.
The University of Debrecen has signed a cooperation agreement on research and education with the institution of higher education called Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India. Owing to this partnership agreement, joint training and student exchanges will be possible in the future in the fields of engineering, information technology and natural sciences.