On Monday, February 14, 2022, begins the main event of its third year of the SmartSoc project (Education of Future ICT Experts Based on Smart Society Needs). It's "SmartSoc Blended Mobility 2022". Blended mobility is divided into two parts. The first is virtual mobility, which will end on April 29, 2022. The second will be a workshop on the campus of the University of Žilina, Slovakia.

During this blended mobility of the SmartSoc project, students and teachers from more than 10 European universities from 9 countries will work together during the summer semester. The main goal of blended mobility is the training of business skills of students of study programs focused on information and communication technologies. Five-member student teams will work on the business plans of their virtual start-ups. In addition, the blended mobility programme also includes lectures focusing on the latest trends in information and communication technologies, entrepreneurship, sustainable development and intercultural communication. Blended mobility participants also attend three Design Thinking seminars.

It is possible to join and watch the opening ceremony of mixed mobility via the Microsoft Teams platform - link.

Last update: 2023. 01. 26. 17:57