Computer Science Engineering BSc

Computer Science Engineer BSc belongs to the field of Informatics training, however, it is characterized by a kind of engineering approach, too. Computer Science Engineer BSc students acquire appropriate knowledge that enables them to implement and operate information and technical information systems and services, and to carry out developments on them. They study the technical elements of information and infrastructure systems such as computers, tele-communication networks, embedded systems, measurement and management technology solutions, operating systems. They also study practical engineering methods, the application of software development methodology, and the use of development tools.

Graduates can either enrol for the Computer Science Engineer MSc course or another MSc course or can find a position in the labour market. In our region there are several international companies (e.g. IT Services Hungary, National Instruments, British Telecom) which always provide enough work for our graduates.

A Computer Science Engineer BSc student will be able to

  • be aware of the tasks that are needed for designing and developing technical creations with IT methods
  • apply practical engineering methods
  • program at a high level
  • understand and use software development methods and development tools
  • implement and configure operating systems and find the cause of problems
  • develop, create and operate IT and tele-communication systems
  • program websites
  • create corporate IT systems, design and operate decision-support systems
  • think logically, creatively, systematically
  • have well-based economic and management knowledge
  • be open-minded and competitive
  • have excellent problem-solving abilities, competence for individual work and heavy workload

This course is suitable for those whose aim is to absorb as much as possible about IT systems and who would like to use their knowledge in economy. In order to do this they must be committed and interested in technology, however, good co-operation and communication skills, and excellent knowledge of foreign languages are also essential.

Skills, Competences

  • Considering the potential specializations, a Computer Science Engineer BSc graduate should have at least two of the following competences:
    • installing, configuring, troubleshooting, operating and developing IT and tele-communication networks
    • programming client-server systems and web-programming
    • process-based functional design and creation of corporate IT systems with the help of an Enterprise Modeller tool
    • designing, creating and operating decision-support systems

Opportunities in the labour market

There has been a great demand for Computer Science Engineer BSc graduates in the labour market for years. They can easily find work in the sectors of production, services, civil service, banking, commerce or enterprises. According to their specialization, they can choose to work as system-designers and developers, programmers, software developers, web designers, data-base developers, corporate management IT professionals, system administrators.

The ideal applicant for this major should

  • be interested in innovations
  • have logical thinking and creativity
  • be curious about the inner structure of computers and operating systems besides programming
  • be willing to program not only computers but also other ICT devices such as smart phones, tablets, microcontrollers, signal processors, programmable logic controllers

Downloadable documents

About the course

Aim of the course: To train IT professionals who, possessing the solid theoretical grounding necessary to further develop their skills over the long term, are capable of performing, at an advanced level, the typically software-oriented development, implementation and servicing tasks related to IT equipment and systems, working either independently or as part of a team. Participants in this course will also learn the interaction and modeling skills required to solve IT tasks in all the main areas of application.

Program Coordinator

Dr. Imre Varga associate professor
room: IF16




Students who started after 2024 September




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Students who started after 2021 September




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Students who started after 2017 September




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Students who started before 2017 September




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Last update: 2025. 03. 11. 09:39