The raffle draw will start on 18.04. Thursday at 14.45 in the IF0 auditorium. Only those who appear in person at the raffle will be admitted to the draw. To participate in the draw, you must present the barcode you have already read during the event at the entrance to the auditorium.
For raffle tickets and attendance information, students can visit:
by logging in here:
- will see their barcode, which will be used to identify them
- will see a link to view their raffle tickets (they will receive their raffle tickets when they punch in their barcode upon entering the raffle draw location)
- this is where you will receive (after the event) your certificate of participation.
5 pcs CCLab mugs, 5 pcs mouse pads
2 pcs gift pack
8 pcs DATASUNRISE mugs, 4 pcs DATASUNRISE T-shirts
1 pcs Dynata gift pack: notebook with pen, mug, stress ball, USB cable, beach cushion, bottle opener
4 pcs EPAM gift packs
Innovitech Kft.
4 pcs premium dry red wines
NI Hungary
Media Markt gift card worth 15 000 HUF
1 pcs gift pack
Media Markt gift cards: 1 pcs worth 50 000 FUF, 5 pcs worth 20 000 HUF, 10 pcs worth 10 000 HUF
Schönherz Iskolaszövetkezet
2 pcs Schönherz gift pack