From 1 December 2023, the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen has established the FIRCC center.
Its predecessor is the FIRST (TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0001) Future Internet Research Coordination Centre.
The main task of FIRCC is to coordinate the business-oriented research, development, and teaching activities of the Faculty of Informatics.
Other tasks:
Administration and implementation of external research and development work, including registration of experts and students and management of contracts.
Organizing industry-based training courses for both business and academia.
Administering student internships and theses in connection with FIRCC activities, in conjunction with the Studies Department.
Liaising with national and foreign partners, to seek external orders and expanding cooperation.
Monitoring national and international calls for proposals, and organizing the preparation of proposals.
FIRCC organisational structure:
FIRCC Director: Enikő Hajduné Pocsai
FIRCC Secretary: Benjamin Salga
FIRCC Professional Committee:
Dr. Tamás Bérczes
Dr. Attila Adamkó
Dr. András Hajdu
Dr. Balázs Harangi
Dr. Andrea Pintér-Huszti
Dr. Imre Varga
Student applications to participate in the FIRCC:
Applications form: link
Supervisor’s recommendation template: download
FIRCC office: DE IK, IF07
FIRCC administration: DE IK, 3rd floor, room 331
Phone number: +36 52 512 900/75371