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The internship is compulsory and expected to be completed within the bachelor and master programme at an external practical placement (a company or firm), or on a placement at a higher educational institution. [LXXX. Higher Education Law 147. § 36] You can carry out the work practice in any semester after you have fulfilled all the curriculum requirements. Those students who have been started the University of Debrecen after September 2014 are obliged to fulfil 320 hours in BSc and 240 hours in MSc programs. You can complete the internship in your home country too. |
The prerequisites to apply for a professional training
All BSc students may apply for an internship after completing the following subjects:
Business Informatics |
Programming 2 International financial accounting |
Computer Science |
High-level programming languages 2 Database systems Database systems labor |
Computer Science Engineering |
Programming languages 2 Computer Networks courses. |
All MSc students may apply for an internship:
from the second semester. |
Business Informatics |
Computer Science Engineering |
Process of the professional training
A new electronic system was introduced to support the administration of internships (professional trainings) from 27 May 2022. The system can be accessed by clicking on the following link after logging in (top right corner):
Before logging in for the first time, please register using this link:
Then log in with your eduID ID and password (same as used for Neptun).
Find a company, fill the Declaration of Acceptance form and upload it to the electronic system one month prior to starting internship. The signature of the supervisor and the CEO, the company stamp, furthermore the exact name and address of the company and its email address are necessary with a short description about the expected tasks.
Click here to download the template of Declaration of Acceptance.
In that case when a student wishes to complete the internship the chosen company with hasn’t contract with the University yet, MAG Praktikum will prepare the Agreement and the student must send it to the company for signature and then return to MAG Praktikum. (MAG Praktikum will always inform the student where and when he/she can collect the documents.)
If the company already has a contract with the university, the 1-page annex prepared by MAG Praktikum which the student must send to the company for signature and return to MAG Praktikum. (MAG Praktikum will always inform the student where and when he/she can collect the documents.)
The signed Agreement and/or annex must also be uploaded to the electronic system by the student.
After fulfillment of professional training, student has to fill the Certification of Fulfilment and write a one page report about the activities and upload them to the electronic system. The signature of the supervisor and the CEO, and the company stamp are necessary on both documents.
The student is obliged to upload the Certification of fulfilment and the one page report at least 2 weeks before the state exam.
For those students who sent their Declaration of Acceptance form before 27 May 2022, the administration has not yet been carried out in the new electronic system, so the Certification of Fulfilment and the one page report must be sent in scanned version to the email szakmaigyakorlat@inf.unideb.hu .
Click here to download the template of Certification of Fulfilment.
Professional Training is not acceptable when the student disregarded the process of the professional training (made it without any aforementioned official documents).
Information about Professional Training subject
(Only valid for students who started 2021 September or later)
From the semester 2022/23/1 the „Professional Training” as a subject is obligatory which have to be registered and done.
The credits for the „Professional Training” subject can be accepted in the „Differentiated knowledge” block or the „Free choice” block. In BSc programs the recommended semester for registration to the subject is the 6th.
The Professional training subject can be registered only if:
﹥ in BSc program the student finished all the prerequisites according to the Rules and Regulations
﹥ in MSc program the 2nd active semester is started
The subject can be registered by yourself in fall and spring semesters until the end of the first week in the study period. After that it can be registered only for 3 weeks, with request.
﹥ Graduating students must submit the Certification of Fulfilment and the one page report by two week before the State Exam/Final Exam period.
﹥ Registration for the „Professional Training” subject is recommended only if the professional training can be finished and also the certification with the one page report can be submitted 1 week before the end of the exam period of the given semester.
﹥ If the Professional training happened during the summer, the Professional training subject have to be registered in the next semester.
Education Office Information about the Professional Training: |
MAG Praktikum Information about the MAG-Praktikum system: |
E-mail: info@magpraktikum.hu |
Phone: +36 52 512 900 / 75040 |
Phone: +36 52 512 900/88289 |
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 9.00-11.00 |
Office hours: Monday-Friday: 8.00-12.00 |
Room: IF20 (Education Office) |
Location: 4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 138. Veres Péter Kollégium fsz.1. |
Commitee of Professional Training
Professional training opportunities
Internship |
Duration |
Start date |
6 months |
6 months |
6 months |