

Five students and two instructors achieved success in Dubrovnik.

The University of Debrecen and the BMW Group Gyár Debrecen have entered into a collaboration that covers professional training and research and development. The agreement was signed on Tuesday by Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and President and CEO Hans-Peter Kemser.

Students of the University of Debrecen (DE) achieved excellent results at the competitions of the 36th National Student Circle Conference (OTDK) held April 3-27. Of the 444 submissions 187 were awarded with a prize or a special award.

HPI Call for applications

Three scholarships for international computer science students


But what is that exactly you may ask?


Meet students interested in developer technologies at University of Debrecen.


Are you interested in developing serious games?Are you passionate about environmental protection?Have you heard about Erasmus+,but haven't joined yet?

Dear Clouders,  Do you want to know more about Site Reliability Engineering and how you can apply it to your work? Then register & join online on 26th January for an exciting talk about SRE adoption held by Google Developer Advocate Riccardo Carlesso!  Time: 26th January 4-5pm (CET)   What to expect? In this talk, Riccardo will first set an introduction to SRE, then explain what failure patterns he's observed. This is a high level talk, relevant to technical practitioners (Software Developers and Operators particularly).   Agenda 

On 19 January 2023 and also on 28 January 2023 between 9 am - 5 pm an NVIDIA DLI -- Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science with RAPIDS online workshop will be held at the Faculty of Informatics.