Computer Science BSc Process of the Final Exam

  1. Requirements for Final Exam
    1. Complete all the 180 credits required by the curriculum of program specialisation to have the degree of BSc program
    2. Carry out the internship
    3. Write and submit the Diploma Thesis
  2. Process of the Final Exam

The Final Exam consists of an oral part only and the purpose is to examine the coherence of the professional knowledge. The subjects are part of the core module according to the field of specialisation.

T. The grade of the oral exam consists of the basic academic knowledge (T1) and topics of the specialisation (T2) (list of questions are different in every specialisation).

D1. Oral defence of the Diploma Thesis. During the defence the candidate has to sum up the Thesis in a short presentation then s/he takes questions from the referee of the Thesis and the members of the Committee.

D2. The grade of the Diploma Thesis is being given by the Committee of Final Exam in accordance of the referee’s proposed grade and the oral defence’s result.

Calculation of the grade of Final Exam (ZV): ZV = (T+D1+D2)/3

Last update: 2024. 06. 28. 10:32