Dean of the Faculty of Informatics announces an application for the 2023/2024 Academic year 1. semester to fill in professional scholarship places with students with outstanding talent and interest
Tasks of the professional scholarship student
- participate in teaching, tutoring practical and laboratory courses (at least one, 2 hours class/week, a maximum of 2 classes (4hours) per week)
The application is open for students
- who are at least in the third semester of a bachelor program or in a master program,
- who will continue their studies in the next semester (Academic Year 2023/2024) at the Faculty of Informatics,
- for master students who received at least “good” qualification diploma in BSc program
- for bachelor students who have reached 3.50 scholarship index in each semester at the last two semesters
- candidate shows a deep interest in at least one subject of the curriculum;
- participation in other justified professional activities (e.g.: scientific publication, Students’ Scientific Association (SSA), UD Talent) is preferred.
Duration of the scholarship: 1 September 2023 – 31 January 2024.
Applications need to be submitted through the Neptun system request form “IK Application for professional scholarship 2023/24/1” (Administration/Requests) by 12th of May 2023 23:59:59.
The application form contains the academic data of the applicant and a detailed description of the proposed teaching plan.
Application documents: a professional CV and the signed recommendation/opinion of leading teacher must be attached to the application form.
If the specifications of the application above are not fulfilled the application is rejected automatically.
Applications will be evaluated by the Educational Committee. Candidates will be informed about the decision in June 2023.
Submission deadline: 12 May 2023
18 April 2023 Debrecen
Dr. András Hajdu, Dean