
The ICMC 2021 conference is organized in cooperation with the Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, China. The online session will contain four invited and twenty regular presentations, their authors representing eight different countries of the world. Participation on the session is open, but registration is required. For more information and for the detailed program, please visit

At ESPA we do not have any service fees for the student nor the universities, we are here to connect your talented students and thriving companies. Mentored throughout, the student will undertake the following tasks with their mentor:

Due to the high number of graduating students and the restrictions introduced during the pandemic situation, the UD organized its closing ceremony at the Nagyerdei Stadium, like last year. On Saturday, students of four faculties celebrated the end of their university studies.

Established in 2010 in Belfast, the host company is a leading provider of informatics software & imaging solutions. Their innovative systems are currently helping to increase efficiency and streamline operations in clinical laboratories across the world. Following a recent acquisition, the host company has added digital pathology education software to its product portfolio and enhanced its digital pathology and artificial intelligence capabilities.  

After a long time, the University of Debrecen was finally able to hold a doctoral inauguration. The leadership of the university conferred Ph D and diplomas in the morning of the 5 June event and habilitation diplomas, as well as Professor Emeritus titles and awards in the afternoon.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published paid traineeship opportunities in areas such as medicine regulation, life sciences, healthcare, chemistry, information technology, law, pharmaceutical regulatory affairs, human resources, finance, communications, public relations and library and information science.

Transcend: an exclusive, one-to-one mentorship program with software engineers from top app developer Bending Spoons For all European STEM students. Applications are open until June 6 The Transcend mentorship program is officially open, an opportunity for all European students with a passion for software engineering.

#1 Silver Architecture (SOLID but malleable) 26 May 2021 What soware architecture can effect? How the soware architecture can evolve with the system? What IS a soware architecture at all, and why does it maer? ...and other over mysfied quesons. A brief introducon of the clean soware architectural design principles through the lens of Java. We will discuss not just the "what"s, but the "why"s too.Event link

RoboTEC is reaching its 6th edition this year, taking place between the 21st and the 23rd of May 2021 and this year the contest will be held online. However, the challenges for our participants do not change, they will test their abilities to develop a competent robot for a variety of tasks. Moreover, this year we will bring the students the possibility to participate in various workshops based on robotics topics.  

Teams from the University of Debrecen took the first six prizes at the joint Russian-Hungarian online competition hosted by Rosatom Central Europe, Paks Nuclear Power Plant of MVM Group and Paks II. Zrt. The awards ceremony of Hackatom was held on Friday in the Aula venue of the UD.