stUDinnovate Innovation Scholarship Program

The Innovation Ecosystem Center (IEC) of the University of Debrecen is launching its stUDinnovate Innovation Scholarship Program this fall.

The main objectives of the Program are to explore innovative student ideas born at the University of Debrecen and to promote idea validation and development.

Besides, the Program aims at developing the entrepreneurial competencies of ideators and promoting the entrepreneurial career as an option to exploit the possibilities hidden in innovative ideas. Within the framework of the program, EIC intends to support the development of the most promising innovative ideas into validated early-stage market-ready projects.

The students involved in the program take part in a 7-month practice-oriented training while a monthly scholarship of 100,000 HUF backs up their development work. Experienced mentors will support the progress in the second half of the program.

We provide an online information event on the program objectives and the application procedure at the following dates: January 19, 2022 17-18 pm

More information and application at the link below:

Last update: 2023. 01. 26. 17:52